Celebrating Success: Dr. Kole Akula Triumphs in AUA Resident Bowl Debate

Dr. Akula

UroFill® is delighted to share our recent collaboration with Dr. Kole Akula, a remarkable resident at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center in San Antonio, during this year’s AUA Resident Bowl. The Resident Bowl’s Great Debate serves as a platform to foster camaraderie and showcase the art of persuasion among selected residents from each AUA Section.

Dr. Akula, an active-duty Air Force Resident with a passion for urology, delivered an outstanding performance, advocating for the safety and efficacy of hyaluronic acid (HA) injections in penile augmentation, particularly using techniques such as the UroFill® method. With expertise in navigating complex terrain, both professionally and personally, Dr. Akula effectively communicated the benefits of HA injections for various patient pathologies while emphasizing the importance of trained urologists performing the procedure.

Throughout the debate, Dr. Akula and his opponent echoed the consensus that permanent materials and silicone blocks pose significant risks to penile health and well-being, underscoring the importance of safer alternatives like HA injections. Dr. Akula’s compelling argument and dedication to patient safety resonated with his peers, leading to his victory by a significant margin.

The UroFill® team extends our heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Kole Akula on his well-deserved success in the Resident Bowl debate. We are immensely proud to have collaborated with such a talented and passionate professional. As Dr. Akula continues to excel in his urological endeavors, we wish him continued success, happiness, and fulfillment in all his future endeavors.

Dr. Kole Akula
Dr. Kole Akula