Would You Leave Your Health in the Hands of an Amateur?

Picture the following: You’re flying on an airplane across the ocean. The plane hits turbulence. Not to worry, says the person piloting the craft, he’s not a licensed pilot, but he’s pretty sure he knows how to fly a plane and besides, your ticket was a little bit cheaper than it would have been on another airline.

Given the choice, few (if any) people would take that flight. The same goes for getting into a car with an unlicensed driver, boarding a train with an unqualified conductor, or seeing a lifeguard for a head cold.

Unfortunately, this level of common sense doesn’t always apply to how people view aesthetic procedures. Whether an operation is for an actual medical condition or for a boost of self-confidence, it’s essential to see a fully-trained medical expert. That’s why training for the UroFill® girth enhancement procedure is restricted to board-certified urologic surgeons and true Stewards of the Penis® professionals. Here’s why it’s important:

  • Aesthetic problems are often medical problems: If a patient is noticing diminished penile length and girth, or an unsightly bend in their penis, it may be connected to a greater underlying issue such as ED or Peyronie’s disease. An aesthetician or otherwise non-qualified person lacks the ability to make an accurate diagnosis or to provide appropriate treatment.
  • Medical complications should be treated by medical professionals: An aesthetic procedure requires medical expertise that a beautician or aesthetician is simply unqualified to treat. If an error or unforeseen complication arises, you want to have a trained professional on hand to address it.
  • Greater understanding of the anatomy of the patient: There’s a reason why the field of medical science is so specialized: Every part of the human anatomy has its own set of complications, considerations, and hazards. Aestheticians have a surface level of knowledge about how the human body works, and board-certified surgeons have undergone intensive training and years of practice to be able to gain mastery of their skill and unparalleled knowledge of their area of expertise.

Between a semi- or unqualified practitioner and a recognized expert in their field, which would you rather entrust to the appearance of your penis? The answer is clear. That’s why UroFill’s® patented procedure is backed up by some of the most highly-trained and skilled surgical professionals in the world. You deserve nothing less.