The Risks of Unsafe Fillers in Penile Enhancement

A German man died earlier this month following a penile enhancement procedure performed by an unlicensed practitioner. His death was caused by organ failure and blood poisoning due to an injection of silicone directly into his penis. 

While the death was a tragedy, it does provide an object lesson in the need for penile enhancement procedures to be performed by certified medical professionals, specifically urologic surgeons. 

Simply put, a trained medical professional at a dedicated facility would not have agreed to use an unsafe filler and would have explained the likely risks of the procedure; to have done otherwise would have meant losing their job, credentials, and reputation at a minimum and would likely result in criminal charges.

Qualified urologists understand both the complexity of the structure of male anatomy and how negative results can lead to wider consequences. That’s why UroFill® only trains board-certified urologic surgeons to undergo training and only uses well-tested cross-linked hyaluronic acid as a filler for girth enhancement rather than introducing non bio-neutral materials into the penis. Like any aspect of medicine/surgery, only board-certified urologists are involved in the teaching process for the UroFill® technique.  

The UroFill® procedure itself was developed after eight years of trials and testing to the highest possible standards of effectiveness and, above all, safety.  UroFill® is the only reproducible technique available for penile girth enhancement and patients deserve nothing less.

Dr Paul Perito, founder of UroFill® and Perito Urology.